

Toulouse School of Architecture is an administrative public institution of higher education created by Decree no. 78-266 of 8 March 1978. After being overseen by the Ministries of Equipment and the Environment, it is currently under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture. The School is administered by a Board of Governors and operates with a number of institutional and academic bodies in which students are represented and taken into account.



The management is responsible for the consistent application of the directions set out by the Board of Governors.

Governing bodies: Decree no. 2018-109 of 15 February 2018 relating to the national schools of architecture extended to these schools the main principles and governance methods commonly applied at other higher education institutions. This resulted in a change in the composition of the board of governors and the establishment of an academic and scientific council that gives opinions and makes proposals.

    • The board of governors
    • The academic and scientific council
    • The commission for education and student life
    • The local Technical Committee
    • The Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee

The commissions contribute to the organisation and proper functioning of the school. Their role is to make proposals to the Board of Governors in their field of intervention. They are made up of teachers, administrative agents and students. Toulouse School of Architecture has 12 committees.

The departments implement the decisions of the Board of Governors and ensure the proper functioning of the institution. (link to organisation chart)