School life is marked by a few recurring highlights that punctuate the academic year:
- the start of the school year in September with the reception of new students and the discovery of the establishment, its operation and its services. First-year students participate in a "Toca Tierra" workshop. For a week, a biosourced or geosourced material is given pride of place. Students discover this material, its history, its use in construction and more generally in architecture during practical experimentation workshops, visits, conferences and an exhibition. Discover this event in video .
- in January, the awarding of diplomas to female architects who graduated from the previous year. The promotion is named in honor of a great architect and a sponsor gives the students their diploma as well as a book. Families, friends, partners and staff come together for this emblematic and moving ceremony which marks the culmination of a journey.
- the “Décol'd'archi” evening organized in close collaboration with the Dédale and Dynam'eat student associations allows students to discuss international exchanges. Testimonials from outgoing and incoming students, the exhibition of mobility projects carried out by students helps to raise candidates' awareness of mobility.
- the open day is organized in February or March. It allows high school students to come and discover the school in all its dimensions: see the work of the students, meet the teachers, the staff but above all the students who are very involved in this meeting. This is an opportunity to ask them all the questions about education and student life and also to discover the premises. The associations play a key role in the animation of this day, by their dynamism and the variety of their actions.
- the defense of End of Studies Projects in June
The student associations also organize events that punctuate the collective life of the establishment and constitute as many meetings uniting the student community: integration weekend, trips, evenings, sports competitions, photo competitions, theatrical performances. ..
NEXT JPO: 11.02.2023
The next Open Day will take place on Saturday February 11, 2023
On the program :
- Opening of the doors of ENSA Toulouse (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.): you will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with architecture students and teachers from our establishment.
- Guided tours: students from the National School of Architecture in Toulouse offer guided tours of the school in small groups.
- Exhibitions of student work in project workshops, visits to the library and the model workshop
- Educational stand: the study management team answers your various questions concerning admission
- Meetings with school associations.
And many other means of collecting the information necessary for your orientation: documentation to download, videos, etc.